Maintaining the health and beauty of the face is very important. Since derah face is the first part that people will see when they met. Face a healthy, beautiful and well-maintained will give a good impression on first impression.

Many women are actually beautiful, but it does not look attractive because it is less able to take care of her. Well, ladies, if you include one of the women who are less able to care for skin health, here we provide some tips on light for beauty care and health of your skin as reported by the Times of India pages.

If you are one of the 7.5 million people with psoriasis, it is likely that chronic itch may arise in your life. That certainly would interfere with daily activities.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused by chronic autoimmune disease. People with skin disorders such as psoriasis has rough scales stacked with thick red base. Skin disorder occurs due to the formation of skin too quickly.

According to dermatologist in Upland, California and spokesperson of the National Psoriasis Foundation, itching caused by psoriasis causes the skin to become red, swollen, and hot, to remove the fluid. These conditions lead to a serious condition, such as infection by a reduced quality of life.

Here are nine tips to reduce skin itching, nothing you can do yourself and some which require the help of medical experts.

1. Avoid perfumes and other smelly products

Household products such as cleaners, detergents, fabric softeners are pungent smell may worsen skin itch.

2. Bathing in quick time with cold water

Warm water can remove the top layer of the skin and the skin's natural moisture thus aggravate itchy skin.

3. Use a mild soap

To keep the skin from irritants so avoid products with the effect of "hard". Can also use a special soap sensitive skin products.

4. Use the medication for a shower

Certain bath salts add moisture to the skin. Use of these products, but do not soak too long.

5. Do not scratch the skin dry

In addition to creating irritation, itching scratching will increase.

6. Use a moisturizer as often as possible

Choose a moisturizer with a high moisture content and spend a few minutes after a shower to keep skin moist.

7. Try antihistamines

Antihistamines work by targeting the neural pathways associated with itching.

8. Use ice

Ice can "turn off" the nerve. Ice can be a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to relieve itching.

9. Wear psoriasis cream before bed

Itching during sleep will be very annoying, so do preparations, such as wearing a cream and wear cotton clothes.

There are some nutrients that get more attention because often people do not eat enough in the daily diet, such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber. But have you found out about magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for energy production, bone health and nerve function. This mineral is found in the bones, tissues, cells, and plays a role in more than 350 biochemical reactions in the body.

In addition to the known role in the body, magnesium has been the subject of much research. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that taking 400 milligrams of magnesium per day beneficial for glucose tolerance for the elderly, so it is good for preventing diabetes. Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience reported that people who suffer from recurrent migraines have low levels of intracellular magnesium. This suggests magnesium contribute in preventing migraines.

One of the reasons why magnesium is rarely reviewed is because its existence is abundant in food. Many people who already consume enough magnesium from food eaten daily. The food however is the best source of nutrients the body needs. But when you are eating too many processed foods, chances are you do not consume enough magnesium.

People with gastrointestinal disorders likely magnesium deficiency, such as consuming alcohol and the elderly. Therefore, it is important for you to know where magnesium can be obtained.

Magnesium can be found in chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants. So when you eat a lot of green foliage, chances are you consume enough magnesium. But there are also some foods rich in magnesium, among others:

- Fish halibut. Only 85 grams of cooked halibut already meet 20 percent of magnesium per day.

- Cashew nuts and almonds. Many nuts are rich in magnesium, but both nuts have the highest content of magnesium.

- Soybean. Not only rich in magnesium, soy is also rich in protein and fiber.
Preventing cancer is the best move because, as the phrase "prevention is better than cure"??, Preventing unnecessary damage to make a case.

Likewise for cancer, cancer prevention is much better than cure. To prevent cancer, necessary knowledge about what causes cancer so that we can avoid or ward off potential roots of cancer. Here are surefire tips to prevent cancer.

Having healthy teeth is a very valuable asset. Besides the added confidence, healthy teeth can be spared from the name of a toothache. After I wrote about tips whiten teeth naturally before, so this time I will write about ways to maintain dental health to avoid the disease and tooth decay.

How to shrink belly fat - Many men and women complain with belly fat, is to get rid of abdominal fat more stubborn than other body parts. Sometimes even women lose confidence due to the consequences belly body look slim.

 In the case of shrink belly needs a strong intention and determination to keep trying because in practice it is not easy and takes time not fast. Here are some tips shrink belly fat in a natural and powerful

1. Consumption of food is a lot of fiber
Fiber is important for bowel affairs as to facilitate bowel movements. Do not let dirt should be removed still be in your stomach so your stomach looks bloated and huge.

2. Avoid contact with constipation
It said if the constipation defecate less than 3 times a week. Some medications can trigger constipation exposed as aspirin and birth control pills. To avoid this possibility multiply the consumption of more fiber to ease disposal kototran have in your stomach.

3. Drinking Water
Drinking plenty of water can help you to dilute the concentration of sodium in your body. Besides drinking plenty of water can also ensure more effective biliary function to remove impurities in the body.

4. Sport
Increase your body movement exercise such as jogging and other sports that make fluid in your stomach pushed out and into the blood which will be issued in the form of sweat.

5. Breakfast in the morning
According to research there is a full breakfast 1 hour after you wake up will keep your insulin levels and lower your cholesterol. Try to apply it every day and do not forget to measure the nutrients like carbohydrates and fiber is in your breakfast menu.

6. Reduce Stress
Make your body relaxed and your rest time ends meet. In adults a break around 7 hours. You should know that stress has a close relation with the increase in production of fat in the abdomen.

7. Reduce salt intake
Too much salt intake causes the stomach becomes distended because there is salt daam a high sodium content that can attract large amounts of water and cause water retention. As a result the stomach feel full and bloated.

8. Drinking coffee and green tea
The content of caffeine in coffee increases your metabolism by 10% and help burn calories in the body. Green tea not only help you cope with hair loss, but also helps reduce fat absorption and helps glucose circulation.

9. Eat less fried foods
Fried food may slow down the process of slowing down the digestion of food in the body that accumulate fat. Good fat is unsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts, soy oil, seeds, and avocados. Foods that contain unsaturated fats good to shrink belly fat.
Diet of pregnant women
The gestation period is a time to look forward to the future mother. While pregnancy is a lot of activity that needs to be noticed and set up, such as diet, sleep patterns, ways of thinking do not let pregnant women suffer from stress. Because if pregnant women disrupted the pattern of life and mind, it will affect her fetus as well. Therefore, pregnant women who have a husband or wife who is pregnant should know how to keep the content carefully and pay attention to your diet and lifestyle to stay healthy.
Under these conditions many restrictions that need to be shunned or prohibited for pregnant women. Tips on healthy pregnant women is an appropriate way so that the condition of the prospective mother and baby to stay healthy. Here are 15 tips for healthy pregnant women:
1. Content control to the Doctor
This needs to be done, at a minimum once a month to check the condition of the baby and the mother. If you have a complaint or have any concerns about pregnancy that you experience, see your doctor, although this is not the time you have control again.
2. Drink Water
Water intake is very useful for pregnant women, water is also needed to bring nutrients from the blood to the fetus in the womb, so it takes about one glass of water every hour. No wonder when the adequacy of drinking also able to keep you from the possibility of premature birth in the third semester of pregnancy.
3. Meet Nutritional Needs
To meet the needs of mothers and children, the intake of calories per day during pregnancy is usually greater than 300 calories needs when not pregnant. Also, do not forget to meet the needs of a variety of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and folate. Consumption of food was varied so that the need for carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber can be met. In addition, pregnant women are advised to drink milk (which is specially formulated for pregnancy), so that nutrition can be more assured.
4. Do not Smoke
Stop smoking if you smoke or passive smoking should not be, because you often inhale cigarette smoke from people around him, for example, from your husband. Cigarette smoke will make your baby born weighing less, the death of the child in the womb or a child easily fall ill or slow to learn something later, can also cause you to have a miscarriage.
5. Set Sleep Patterns
Go to sleep between 10 pm and 6 am as often as possible. Lack of sleep causes "interference with thyroid function that exposes a person at risk for overweight," according to The Body Clock Guide to Better Health by Michael Smolensky, PhD., And Lynne Lamberg. Sleep in a better light than dark conditions, such as the cave atmosphere, will potentially destroy phase one's hormones and biological rhythms.
6. Positive Thinking
It's good when a mother thinks that she is a beautiful woman, vibrant, healthy, and character. Not long after his body will follow this idea, according to literature like What the Bleep and The Secret, as well as renowned water research of Dr. Emoto and The Blue Zone proposal that we always maintain a positive outlook in everything we do.
7. Consumption of vitamin Folic Acid Intake
Consuming vitamin Folic Acid 400 mcg per day, before pregnancy until the first few months of pregnancy. It is useful to prevent neural tube defects in the spinal cord and small. Folic acid is also important obtained from foods that contain folic acid, such as cereals, brown rice, oranges, green vegetables, beans, broccoli, and more.

Hi, friends, health tips. Having a healthy body is the desire of every person, including you. By staying healthy, the activities we do can be run smoothly and in line with our expectations. With healthy too, so we do not have to spend time and money to buy drugs or go to the hospital. So we should always be grateful to the deliciously healthy given the Almighty God to us all.

      Friends, health tips. Healthy size that is when we are able to keep the immune system against disease that always hit like peyakit fever, flu, cough and others. Then how can we keep the immune system the right to keep it healthy and fit every day ....????? Here are health tips Tips To Keep Body Endurance Always Healthy:

Get plenty of rest each day, is one of the factors to keep your immune system. In this case, enough sleep and quality.
Turning off lights when sleeping at night is one of the tips to keep your immune system. This is because the hormone melatonin is related to your immune system into production when you turn off the lights at night while sleeping. (This is the danger Slept With Light On).
Exhausted after a long day is one of the causes of the decrease in your immune system. So the rest of your body is a very appropriate to eliminate the tiredness.
In a healthy body there is a sound mind and healthy too. So try to always think positive about all the problems that hit us.
Every morning, try to always do regular exercise. It aims to maintain the condition of the body to keep it fit and healthy.
Always make sure that the food you eat is already in the hygienic or clean or wash thoroughly cooked perfect.
Eat reasonable portions do not overdo it. In fear of your body will be obese and at risk of disease associated with being overweight or obese.
Fill fibrous foods every day. Fibrous foods are apples, carrots and beans. The function of these fibrous foods that keep the body from bacteria.
Meet the needs of vitamin D. because vitamin D is working to stimulate immune cells to block viruses and bacteria. Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, eggs, liver and fish.
Meet the needs of fluid required in the body. In this case the water is healthy. Eight glasses of water per day is the amount we must meet to provide for the fluids in our body.
Smiling is the easiest tips to keep your immune system. This is because, with a smile so we can improve your immune system.
Currently, many circulating fake honey. However, to understand the nature and content of honey, honey can be assessed where the "real" and "fake", as well as the quality of the honey is good or bad. Then how the characteristics of the original honey, and how to distinguish fake honey?

There are 3 kinds of honey are fairly non-genuine, namely:
1. TOTAL forgery, made by adding the volume of honey "original" with honey "false", eg mixing sugar / honey made relatively cheaper and then stirred.
2. Forgery QUALITY, usually done by changing the water content of honey that was high, then lowered by heating.
3. Forgery SURVIVE, the honey is claimed "original" when in fact 100% artificial, so it's not a nerasal honey from bees with original compositions.

In plain view is difficult to distinguish, quantitative testing is needed to ensure the authenticity of honey. Through the test quantity, honey can be estimated if the falsified or added something; honey sucrose levels rise, the enzyme levels rise / fall, ash content being up / down, electrical conductivity rises, the content of pollen in the sediments down, down mineral content, aroma and flavor changing , the content of HMF (Hydroxy metal Furfuraldehid) changes, protein levels dropped, the color bright, honey contains PbCl2, PbSO4, anions and cations.

HMF content of which is a breakdown product of glucose and fructose in honey maximum of 3 mg/100 g. Honey also has the acidity (pH) ranged from 3.4 to 4.5 are fixed, while the fake honey pH 2.4 to 3.3 or above 5. Activity of the enzyme diastase in honey quality ratio of at least 5 Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) of about 4.0. In the fake honey ratio from 0.05 to 0.1. Honey has a characteristic optical rotate to the left can be checked with a polarimeter.

In a simple, genuine and fake honey can be distinguished by looking at the physical characteristics honey as follows:

The first way, dripping honey on a piece of paper. Fake honey will be easily absorbed by the paper because of high water content.
The second, with a shake. Honey will form a gas or vapor when shaken.
The third way, mix it with egg chicken / duck. Honey stirred together the egg will form lumps and eggs taste like it had been turned into fried.
The fourth way, poured into a container of water. Honey will immediately fall to the bottom of the container, while the fake honey tends to be spread.

It is a simple way to distinguish genuine and fake honey. And here there is additional information about the characteristics of genuine and fake honey:

Honey circulating in Indonesia are generally produced from three types of bees; apis dorsata (forest bees), apis mellifera (bee superior) and apis Cerana (local bees) in the roof of the house. In terms of quality, forest honey (organic honey) black color better than honey in cultivation.

Unfortunately, the people of Indonesia are used to consume honey cultivation bright brown. As a result, forest honey honey is considered as false. Many people are curious to distinguish honey produced by bees foraging in the wild from a fake honey (sugar syrup, for example).

Allegedly, the circulation of fake honey is very high in Indonesia. The trial is genuine or fake honey through aroma, a swarm of ants, viscosity when dropped in the dust, yet so guarantees the authenticity of a product of honey.

In the laboratory, the content of glucose in honey is rather dominant pure sucrose content more visible and prominent on the fake honey. Honey contains minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Vitamins in honey form of thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin K. asamfolat

Honey contains enzymes whereas fake honey. Enzymes can not man-made, and can only be made honey bees. The most important enzymes in the honey; diatase, invertase, glucose oxidase, peroxidase and lipase. Diastase is an enzyme converting complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) so simple carbohydrates (mono-saccharides). Invertase is an enzyme breaker molecule of glucose and sucrose so fluktosa. Oxidase assume the role as a helper enzyme glucose oxidase so acidic peroxide. The enzyme peroxidase oxidation process of metabolism. All substances useful to the body's metabolic processes.

While the fake honey contains a mixture of glucose with sugar, fruit, flavor and dyes are very harmful to human health. The characteristics of honey should be colorful, jet black (derived from acacia flowers), reddish black, bright yellow, yellowish or whitish yellow (bee farming). When you get the color and consistency of honey with equal need to watch out because the original honey color is never the same.

The aroma can also be used as a medium to determine the original or fake a honey products. Honey had the aroma and distinctive smell like honey from flowers rambutan, longan or kapok. This is different from the fake honey scented at all.

Other testing, if the honey is poured over the plate by two Senduk then doused in water and shake it to the right to the left will form a honeycomb. If not spread even mixed with water, then categorized fake honey.

Consumers are also advised to try for themselves by making the body as a natural laboratory. How, fasting for 10 hours and then check the blood sugar. Tell A drink 2-3 tablespoons of honey. After 2 hours, check your blood sugar. Tell B if the honey is pure and natural, with a difference between B minor.

Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) who experienced eating honey can feel pure honey and honey false. If after drinking the honey, so fresh and powerful body back (not the same as people with diabetes who had just drank sweet tea), it marks a new drink honey pure and natural. In the diabetic patient's body, honey converted into energy (without the help of insulin).

Unfortunately, today many fake honey until the honey-like ways can only be a consideration only. The tips is to buy honey in place already trusted. When forced to buy elsewhere, compare whether the price is not too much different from the kind of honey from other brands. If the price is very cheap, biased so honey is honey made.

Usefulness of honey has been proven to be good for the treatment, increase body strength and is used for beauty.

Original Honey Benefits in Blood

Blood clot and restore blood jetting correct.
Clean the lining of blood and blood to be clean.
Offset the fat content and make active heart.
Numb-numb pain and lessen high blood pressure.

Original Honey Benefits adds body strength

Quick restore, refresh and add zing body weight.
Maintain and enhance the body's resistance to disease.
Strengthening the heart
Adding strength to have sex is because honey contains boron minerals.

Original Honey as a Treatment Efficacy

Diabetic wounds will quickly heal with honey smeared
Drink 2 teaspoons of honey before bed will menghingakan insomnia disease
Drinking a rich honey propolis help cure cancer.
Original Honey has the ability to overcome the usual Lur Kidney disease. Etc.

Original Honey Benefits for Beauty.

Honey good to maintain softness and suppleness of skin.
Honey good to rejuvenate and brighten skin.
Use 1 teaspoon of honey for hair cream bath will make the hair fresh and shiny.
Honey is also proven to keep the body young.